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jueves, 17 de enero de 2013

Vocabulario y plurales irregulares

Vocabulario de profesiones / Jobs


Lawyer -Abogado.

Teacher - Profesor.
Actor - Actor.
Farmer - Agricultor.
Bricklayer - Albañil.
Mayor - Alcalde.
Artist - Artista.
Housewife - Ama de casa.
Barber - Barbero.
Librarian - Bibliotecario.
Waiter - Camarero.
Singer - Cantante.
Butcher - Carnicero.
Carpenter - Carpintero.
Surgeon - Cirujano.
Driver - Conductor.
Janitor - Conserje.
Accountant - Contable.
Priest  - Sacerdote.
Headmaster - Director de un colegio.
Economist - Economista.
Nurse - Enfermera.
Chemist - Farmacéutico.
Manager - Gerente.
Blacksmith -  Herrero.
Researcher - Investigador.
Jeweller - Joyero.
Judge - Juez.
Cleaner - Limpiador.
Sailor - Marinero.
Typist - Mecanógrafo.
Dressmaker - Modista.
Baker - Panadero.
Hairdresser - Peluquero.
Painter - Pintor.
Secretary - Secretario.
Soldier - Militar.
Grocer - Tendero.
Shoemaker - Zapatero.
Salesman - Vendedor.

Plurales irregulares (child, children etc)
En inglés tenemos unas palabras que no se ponen -s para hacer el plural:
one person, two people
one child, two children
one man, two men
one woman, two women
one sheep, two sheep
one fish, two fish
one tooth, two teeth
one foot, two feet
one mouse, two mice
Frases de ejemplo:
The women in my family all live a very long time.
She had 3 children before age 35.
My grandfather was proud of having all his teeth when he was 50.
Take your feet off the table! We eat there!
Snakes eat mice, but mice donʼt eat snakes.

También tenemos plurales que terminan en -ves cuando el sustantivo termina en -f.
one half, two halves
one leaf, two leaves
one loaf, two loaves
one knife, two knives
one shelf, two shelves
one life, two lives
one thief, two thieves
They say that cats have nine lives, but I think mine has more.
Could you take the forks and knives out to the table?
I donʼt know where to put it, all the shelves are full.
He taped both halves of the photo together and put it back in the drawer.
If you have time you can stop to pick up a couple of loaves of bread.

2 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Soldier = soldado & military = militar

Mª Ángeles Muñoz Jiménez dijo...

Buenos días Rubén , soldier se refiere a soldado en general u oficial en particular. Military como adjetivo es para decir que el sustantivo es militar como "military academy " academia militar; como sustantivo hay que ponerle " the " porque es el ejército(sólo hay uno). Para decir el rango de soldado es private.

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