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viernes, 22 de enero de 2016

Verbos, adjetivos y unidades del libro que se deben saber a día 22/01/2016


 presente/ pasado / participio/traducción
(to) awake | awoke | awoken .......... despertarse
(to) be | was/were | been ..........ser, estar
(to) bear | bore | born..........dar a luz, soportar
(to) beat | beat | beat ..........vencer, golpear
(to) become | became | become ..........convertirse en, llegar a ser
(to) begin | began | begun ..........comenzar, empezar
(to) bend | bent | bent..........curvarse, doblar
(to) bet | bet | bet ..........apostar
(to) bid | bid/bade | bid/bidden..........pujar
(to) bind | bound | bound ..........atar, encuadernar
(to) bite | bit | bitten..........morder
(to) bleed | bled | bled ..........sangrar
(to) blow | blew | blown..........soplar
(to) break | broke | broken..........romper
(to) breed | bred | bred ..........alimentar, criar


Del libro rojo tenéis que tener hecho:

Am/is/are (questions)
I am doing (present continuous)
Are you doing? (questions)
I do/work/like (present simple)
I don’t (present simple negative)
Do you? (present simple questions)
I am doing (present continuous) and I do (present simple)

A and The
Train(s), bus(es) (singular and plurals)
A/An and The

Adjectives and adverbs
Old/older expensive/more expensive
Older than  / more expensive than
Not as…as
The oldest / the most expensive

***Nota: no os pongo el número de las unidades porque dependiendo del libro cambia. 

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